What Is A "Bug"?
Bugs occur when a product does not perform as it was designed.
For example, a user visits the product homepage and sees an error message instead: "This site can’t be reached" or "Server not Found".
How Do I Log A Bug With Adaptemy?
Before logging an issue we recommend you first create an account here. Creating an account will allow you to track the progress of tickets you have submitted.
Once your account is active you can then submit tickets simply by emailing support@adaptemy.com
Note: You can CC other members of your organisation on ticket submissions. This will allow them to track the ticket status on their own activity dashboard.
What Happens Next?
This email will automatically generate a ticket in our Customer Support system and it will be triaged by our Customer Support Team according to the agreed SLA and you will be notified of the status until it is resolved. Attached is a simplified workflow of how we process bugs.